
4r of sustainability
4r of sustainability

4r of sustainability

Humans instead have traditionally consumed materials in a much more linear way: we take, make, and waste. In nature, material flows in circles and there is no waste. The circular economy can be described as a closed-loop, where resources are continuously repurposed.

4r of sustainability

We also utilize the circular design approach from raw material selection to the recycling of materials. We do not just provide a spectrum of suitable materials and techniques to make our customers' brand thrive, rather how to plan and implement more and more sustainable solutions. We provide our expertise already in the design stage. We encourage you to rethink your waste at every step from when you buy something new to when you get ready to throw something out.We support the circular design approach through the 4R Principle: Reduce – Repair – Reuse - Recycle. We feel that Rethink! is the most important of the 4Rs. Rethink! Your browser does not support the audio tag. The trucks in this case are made from recycled milk jugs! It is important for you to Recycle Right everyday - at home, school, work and play - so that we can recycle your items properly and efficiently. The word Recycle means to take something old and turn it into something new. Recycle Your browser does not support the audio tag. The old utensils have been turned into a decorative figurine. In the case in front of you, you see items that were reused – the Capri sun pouches, which are not recyclable, have been turned into a purse. If you can’t reduce an item from your waste, can you reuse it or come up with a creative way to use it again. Reuse Your browser does not support the audio tag. Plastic bags are made from petroleum like the oil in your car and they are not recyclable in your blue or yellow bins. How can you create less waste in your life? How can you reduce what you are throwing away? One way to do so is to use reusable grocery bags instead of plastic bags. Reduce Your browser does not support the audio tag. At the Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County we have added a fourth R – Rethink! – because before you throw anything away, we are asking that you Rethink! your waste generation. We want you to manage your waste in that manner. Have any of you ever heard of the 3Rs? Can you name them? Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

4r of sustainability

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4r of sustainability