Click Go and you'll be in your saves folder!.Paste ~/Library/Application Support/Colossal Order/Cities_Skylines/Saves into the text field.Press COMMAND + SHIFT + G on your keyboard.If you're playing Cities: Skylines on a Mac, your save files will be located at the following path: ~/Library/Application Support/Colossal Order/Cities_Skylines/Saves To access that, just paste it into your File Explorer address bar at the top: On Windows, your Cities: Skylines game saves can be found within the following folder: %LocalAppData%\Colossal Order\Cities_Skylines\Saves Find out where you can find your save game files on your operating system below. I prefer the manual way myself for personal stuff, but other people's saves I deal with have had 7,000+ workshop items.If you want to delete your Cities: Skylines saves, back them up, transfer them to a new PC, share them with your friends, or use them for some other purpose, you obviously need to know where they're located. The enable all button is suppose to enable all mods that were enabled during the save and disable all other workshop. Yeah my system did hang for at least a minute or two, it did load all the assets even ones that weren't iincluded in my save, it just disabled most of my mods which then threw up an error, i fixed the error message by activating alll the mods individually, i'll stick to the manual way in future i've had no issues doing it that way in the past. This can have it's own set of issues as older saves don't have this workshop list built-in or newer ones may have older version of workshop, or abandoned workshop that can cause extra work to be able to load. I haven't had this happen since Park Life, but I've only dealt with small workshop games (300 max.) It may crash on huge amounts of workshop still. Steam can crash and cause CS to lock up sometimes. WARNING: subscribe all can take a very long time. Since they add the subscribe all and enable all button, I just unsubscribe all workshop when I load a different save, subscribe all, exit game and restart, then enable all, exit game and restart game. I always manually managed my saves and had no issues, i posted on Paradox the other day asking for a way to manage my mods and assets in a better way and was told of that way to manage them easier, i then give someone that info to help them with their games and it screws it up for them, it's annoying from that point of view. just because the route to get the mods/assets is different doesn't mean the game works any differently Originally posted by Metacritical:yeah, and i was saying how the game works.